♥ Louder louder, the voices in my head.

" The hottest love has the coldest end. "

Hmm hmm. so today. stayed at home to do homework ..
and watch anime ;x rofl. i cant help myself lah x.x
so.. yeah. google chrome is good (; very good :D
i chose a hatsune miku theme for it. hehehehehehehehehe! :D
mmm actually was supposed to go jy house to do
ss project and homework and stuff but didn't in the end.
sorry again .. but ..
he dropped by my house downstairs for a short while.
then he went off to vivo? kehh.
i bet he was planning on touring the whole of Singapore.
hmm. after reading your post, i've got nothing to say ._.
but yeah. it feels different now :l

And oh yeah. earlier on that damn jingli gave me scare.
i was shivering for a freaking 5 mins.
HELLO. you know im scared of that! 
still can give me that video link then laugh at my reaction :l
haizzzz. i killed a fairy again D:
i killed tons today ):

@Noelle: AHEM D and yeah, they broke my heart D:  & the pics i know got more, i wrote on fb i'll upload it another day. 
@Jelyn: its ponder. & "equations" has more to it than just math. don't come here and ps yourself lah hahaha. stupid pig :D  XOXO (L)

Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:46 PM


this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay;
this moment is perfect, please don't go away.

went for training. wasnt exactly good. hmmm but,
noelle waited for me for no reason lol.
we headed to mac. and terence was walking behind us
so .. we went together. both of them are assholes.
i tell them a gazillion trillion billion million thousand hundred tens of times:
and they purposely continue. zzzzzzzz. haiizzzz D:

Jalan Basar Stadium to watch Soccer B girls' Finals against Siglap (:
but was delayed due to the rain D:
waited for the damn bus for an hour :l loooool.
i was the first to chiong up the bus ( rofl, typical kiasu singaporean [: )
then i was like shouting omg uncle very long eh x.x
then i run behind the others squeeze into the bus nd shouting vulgarites
at the poor bus driver ._.
then we apoplogised afterwards ;x opps.
mmmmm surround sound speaker with 2 phones is :D
haha. lalalala. so we met junyi and her mum at sch.
went to her house.her mum bought pizza!
4 of them summore -.- i tasted every single one hahahaha. burpppp.
mmmm then we did some studying. then went to the clubhouse.
stupid mozhihao luhhs. grr. and his underwear.

didnt go service cause was supposed to go out with parents.
but cancel in the end D: they broke my heart.
so stayed at home to watch animes.
Yumeiro patissiere, Baby Love, Soul Eater, Ai no kotodama
watched those. hitman cannot watch for some reasons D:
haizzz. opps i killed a fairy again ):

@Siling: all uploaded on facebook (:

@Jy: im here rofl ..

@Noelle: yeah i know, its uploaded.

@Jialing: thanks!

@Carissa: Ok ok, i will right now :D
all i can say is sorry.

12:19 AM


And i feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realise.

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up & let it go
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything & runaway, yeah.

Ok nv blog for uhhh 9 days le i think.
i keep sleeping early ): eeek. haha.
OK first thing's first. I GOT MY...
IXUS 210 :D
yippeeee (: its DAMN CHIO. haha.
i lovee it. took loads of pics with it (:
all on facebook! lalala.
ok loads of stuff happened.
blog more tmr. byeee (:

Thursday, April 22, 2010 12:27 AM


Nothing to say today ... just that im still sorry.

Oh, added a new song!
Dong jie - JJ Lin <3   ps: im falling in love with JJ again. ahhhhhh

Bu xiao xin hui dao na yi tian
Bu xiao xin yi qie you chung yuan
Ni ru ci wan mei de yi qie 
Jing hui chu xien zai wo de shi jie
Ni shuo hua bu ai shuo di er pian 
Dan pian zai ching ren jie na yi ye
Gei wo ni xin ai de xiang lian
Shuo le san ci dui wo de ai lian
Wo na shi hu tu
Bu ming bai wei he ni hui ku
Hou zhi hou jue yi hou ling wu

Dong jie na shi jian  Dong jie chu yi na yi tian
Dong jie na ai lian  Dong jie wen ni na shun jian
Wo ye hui pi juan Ni de xiang lian zai wo shen bian
Dai wo chuan jun hui chong qian
Dong jie na kong jian  Dong jie you ni de shi jie
Dong jie na hua mian  Dong jie bu rang tha rong jie
Wo ruo shi pi juan  Ni de xiang lian zai wo shen bian
Fa guang zai wo xiong xian  Ni de xiang lian
Zai wo shen bian  Pei ban zhe wo guo mei yi tian



Ni de xiang lian zai wo shen bian
Fa guang zai wo xiong xian Ni de xiang lian
Zai wo shen bian Pei ban zhe wo guo mei yi tian

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:36 PM


Damn cute right! ohmygod luhs <3 hahahahahhaha

Ahhh im drinking coke now :D lol. i ate a lot a lot today D:
haizzzz. so much for going on a diet ._. ahaha. ohwells
today was kinda boring. watched a few episodes of hitman
WHILE eating the stickys lollipop.
guess how long it took me to eat it? ....
like wth. continuously eh. now my tongue hurts D:
oh and my mouth and tongue turned blue. ahha MONSTER xP
i was like mummy look at this: :P :P :P :P :P
and she was like eww! -.- i thought it was cool D:

Yesterday was a busy busy day D:
had training in the morning, which was bad ;x
then i went for church service which was kinda good :D
and then came band concert at night which was very ._.
but the band ppl played very nicely (:
just that its kinda boring ;x opps.

Oh, went for dinner @ cityvibe.
ate SUBWAY <3 ahaha. cold cut trio. quite nice (:
first time eat until so messy haha. all the mayo was dripping x.x
then went to arcade with him a while & then to clarke quay (:
3 days in a row. ahahaa. wow. sg river <3

went home at around 11 plus. dad was being unreasonable again.
grrr. i hate him lah seriously. its like he's so unreasonable the past few days.
and then today he's trying to act nice.
ITS ALWAYS THE SAME OLD CYCLE. im sick & tired of it.

ok dun wanna talk about my dad anymore :l
im gonna go get more coke after this,
help that lazy guy post, do my homework then go to sleep (: 
yay. i feel so hardworking.

* i might leave out that third part of that to-do-list 
& skip to sleeping instead ;x *

thanks for hearing me out and listening to my problems.
you're a big help already. really, thanks (:
and i already updated the thingy luhs! aiyoh. you cannot see uh? ;x
blind le blind le x.x haha. aishiteru <3

Sunday, April 11, 2010 10:56 PM



THREE days neh post liaos. bleh ;P
past 3 days is come home > bathe > sleep.
so ... didnt really use com ;x
i'll try to make this post as long as possible ;x
we challenge bah, see whose post longer :D

so .... yesterday went to school with a stomachache x.x
beared with it tell recess and it kinda vanished after that (:
but after school pain again -.- zzz.
went to clark quay with him :D
we sat down by the singapore river thingy and watch the ..
uhh how to say uh .. the thingy that goes up and down.
lol errr smth like bungee jumping bahh.
hehe :P sit there very shuang lehhh ... didnt wanna go D:
but of course, went home anyway.
oh yeah, thanks loads for the stickys lollipop (:
he sent me home and i sent him to the bus stop. hahaha
you and your funny ideas ;P
that day was fun .. until at night ;x
GRRR. stupid dad -.-

clark quay > funan mall > citylink > raffles mall?
lol. idk if thats the order but yeah (:
walked loads & loooaaads today with him ;P
first we went to clark quay to eat @ yoshinoya *yumyum*
then we explored the whole of central rofl.
a lot of shops not open siahh D:
afterwards we went to funan! hehehehehhehehehe :B
&& i seriously didnt know there was a mall at raffles. lol x.x
i guess i need to go other places more often.
i hope the circle line will open soon ....
then it'll be super convinient for me heh :DDD

@Noelle: not about adam lambert mahs, and no thanks ;x haha
@Jy: rofl you & noelle uh!

" sensei ", im still new at that. so im not good ;x
must guide me okays :P
you damn cute siah. looking at some stationery
then i say you have 10 minutes;
then you immediately walk of of the store. haha :D
ily luhs :D dunnid me to say alr right,
you should know that better than anyone else (:

Friday, April 9, 2010 8:30 PM

iloveyou (:

just remember that i love you a lot a lot ok (:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 11:58 PM

personality quiz ;D

everybody loves stars <3

escalator dooowwwnnnn :D

this pic is just retarded. supposed to depict friendship. but ._.

lol. ok im just bored.
fionachu finally passed back my thumbdrive! thanks loads again (:
so the photos are above! from clark quay. quite some time back ;x
but still, yay :D kekekeke.
was blog hopping then i found this personality quiz! :D
hmmmm.. here are my results! YAY. hahaha.
okays. mmmmm if you wanna take the test, click here (:
have fun :D
still waiting for photography to end ._. sighhhh. boring ttm D:
and noelle, STOP SPAMMING! grrr.. imma rip your head off :B
imma post again later at night, teeheee :D

FIVE THIRTY;  hurry and come ;x

@Noelle: stop spamming okays (; you and your adam ;x
NERDS NERDS :D they colour our life! hehe. muacks (:


4:50 PM


ok i didnt know how to start cause i have too many things to say.
so .. his suggestion was.. yeah you know (:
stupid handphone GRRRR.
supposed to meet jy at bugis mrt at 10 x.x
but met him an hour later ;x
hmmmmm went to library to do some serious stuff (:
 i feel so professional. haha
other than the fact that idk how to do like 90% of it ._.
haizzz. but got the pro there mah ;P
so ..... i needed the help almost all of the time ;x
finished SS and did a little of maths.
then we went to eat some noodle. very nice :D
why? cause ... my stomach was growling damnnnnn loudly
in the library. i thought for sure everyone could hear it.
its really freaking loud lol.

so i was bloated after that :l
went to suntec city :D yayyy lol.
it took a while to find the convention hall 601.
but we found it :D got a lot a lot a lot of ppl!
wwooaaahhhh ._. mmmmm TIMELESS.
that service was great (: [ not to mention very loud ]
the story was touching D:
took a photo after that then went with jy to mac :D

i bought coffeeeee <3 kekekkee.
then we continued with homework :l
didt quite a lot bah i guess? lololololololololol.
finished eng and more maths.
but maths still got LOADS not completed.
ohwells.copy tmr :D

@huiqi: :D
@asd: hehehe :P of course luhhs :D
@yingying: EH! thats so funny meh? D: haha love you too (:
@Lydia: i come back and edit my post for your tag! and yeah i think i'll enjoy it (:
hahahha baby, you're super retarded (:
but thanks haha :D
as i said, you really made my day<3
muacks i love you (:
i can crap loads now :D hehehhehee

Sunday, April 4, 2010 11:36 PM

Black Saturday?

Mmmm ok. its black saturday today.. but, ITS EASTER TMR :D
going to some easter church thingy tmr with annqi they all :D
wooooots! cant wait ;D heheheh.
mummy has this cadbury triology choco egg or smth.
i wanna eat it x) sighhhhh. i really need to stop eating junk food and chocos ;x
oh and i missed training today cause i overslept -.- again? zzz.
i was sleeping like a pig i think. thanks and sorry to annqi ;x

Ok 2 days ago it was APRIL FOOLS' DAY & SPORTS DAY! woo.
the stadium was overflowing with ppl canzz.
x.x claustrophobic. ahhhhh. just kidding.
i told myself not to run and i wasnt even supposed to ._.
cause i wasnt wearing sport shoes ;x
it was hard to run and it was my first time running for sports day ._.
 so ok la was nervous.
i swear you could have heard my heartbeat from miles away.
i couldnt grab the baton properly ._. and slowed down halfway somehow idk why.
zzz sianzz ): but made a promise with ying? (:
next year we'll be running together :D we'll be training until then kekeke.
afterthat, went to JP with him :D walked LOADS. lol
must train! haha. i walk so much. see how fast i can walk now rofl.
mmmm Marcus Tan also came down (:  haha. he damn funny lah retarded.
I SO DIDNT KNOW he was older than us ._.

i went to vivo to meet jy and annqi .. THENNN
we went to plaza sing to watch diary of a wimpy kid. OR NOT.
our bookings were cancelled D:
cause we didnt collect it 30mins prior to the movie ):
escaped to THE CATHAY to watch WHEN IN ROME instead :D
it was nice. yeah. but .. it kinda ended pretty fast if you ask me.
its funny? lol i thought it'd be a romance film. ok it is but ...
uhh to me it was more of a comedy series than a romance one ;x
but i got him :D haha. sooooo i ate lotsa ruffles! <3 yummy. but salty ><
went home after that (:


ok ... so here are the tag replies :D
im gonna try to reply my tags here so my tagboard wont be so messy i guess ?
@ asd: D: got change luh! is just that the contents are the same (:
@ annqi: there spam le :D

Baby, i miss you luhs ): but tmr can see you le hehe.
btw, whats the meaning of yi shan something something ._.

Saturday, April 3, 2010 9:39 PM

Mafia Boss

With love♥

Hello. I am behind you.
Yes behind you. Turn around! Saw me? :) Imma crazy alien, who happens to have a sweet tooth. i love abnormal creatures named noelle and yingying

yupp, face it. he's smexii to the max. i love long biographyyyys. Humans have no right to comment or give shit about my preferences and loved ones :D Love me and i'll love you back;

"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop."

Scream Love,

Whispers taunting all the things you've said.