Hmmmmm. didnt get into trouble today (: yay! haha. went to jp with siling! :D then he came after a while (: i ate this HUGE piece of chicken cutlet. rofl and we drank bubble tea! lime isnt nice ;x but blueberry rocks! :D siling's daddy's birthday! haha. she made a card for him ;D so sweet hehe. then jy read out all the ci yu i dont understand ): ohwell. the card turned out nice (: hmmm watched 海派甜心 today! episode 2 only luh rofl. sad siah D: nice okays! felt so empty after you left D: and haha the train wants you to go back in :D ♥ Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:57 PM
HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY GAY ;D hehehehe. you're another year older >.< lao le lao le ): haha (: Hmm today uh. normal day lo. sian sian. POA damn grrrrr. ohwell. TMR GOT ART. eeeeeeekkkk, diediediediediediedie x.x CHIONG AH. hhmmmm. sick sick sick sick. hahaha idk what to say to you here eh :l opps ;P hehe ♥ Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:01 PM
ahhhhhh i'll prove to you i can crap a lot also! kekekkee. ok lets begin. mmm. 1st lesson of the week: PE. HOW FUN. YES. HOW FUN. frisbee assessment x.x ohno! sian ): guess whats the next lesson? ART. zzz but at least gu ma nv come :D :D :D hehehe. happy happy le (: but wed is the art test eh. uhoh ;x went to stadium after school. i thought of going training. but physical i confirm cannot keep up with they all de -.- need to train a bit bit more harder. :l hmmm went to watch heats. POSTPONED DUE TO RAIN. lool. fh jw linlin yingying went home in cabs in pairs ): left me junyao and junwen. then we went to queenstown library! sat and talk talk a while i guess. not exactly talk lah. aiyah. normal lah. lol then junwen went home ._. soo.... went to tiong with jy to catch a movie (: tiong too late le. so we went to vivo instead. hehe. HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3D nice nice! 4.95/5 stars :D sooooooo recommended. hehehe he sent me home yet again. ahh. thanks (: daddy ah daddy hahahhahahahhaaa ...................... - bored. SLEEPY NOW. baby, thanks for today. haha the movie was very nice :D warm warm. hehe (: ♥ Monday, March 29, 2010 10:34 PM
OKAYS. no photos today. causeee ................ i dont feel like it. zz ok. im tired. really tired. ahhhh. my eyes are closing. i cant stand up. i cant walk properly. im soooooooo gonna hurt for the whole of tmr. lol. but training this morning was fun i guess (: went to play pool with terence tommy chris and uh someone (idk whats his name) yongsheng came later on, i merely mentioned rachel's name then he IMMEDIATELY smile. wooow. went to find jy after that (: we went to .. BUGIS! haha. mm went shopping with him :D made the strap thingy. teehee. sorry uh x.x now you broke. ahhaaha ;x but thanks :D its very nice. i'll treasure it :D afterwards went to library! i read a bit of a book called " Secrets & Lies " its kinda nice eh. maybe i'll go read it next time. or maybe not ._. started walking back to the mrt station at 8. then there was this wedding photo thingy. i was looking at the man's hair lol idk why i just looked. then he approach us say what wanna come have a look. then i was like like HUH 0_0 zzz. he sent me home again .. thanks and sorry uh x.x really really, next time dunnid le .. cause you stay very far away ;x baby, you can trust me luh. cause you know my heart will always belong to you (: ♥ Sunday, March 28, 2010 12:14 AM
GIRLS' FAVOURITE HANGOUT. yay! (: last 10 mins of physics lesson as usual: the toilet. haha. then had stinking chinese D: seriously, i want lin lao shi back D: ok i have nothing to write so i'll do as requested (: the person with HIV wants me to write about him. tsk! hmmmm lemme see... oh ya. you know you looked damn cute when you were sleeping during a maths after sch ;P NOT THAT I WAS LOOKING. crap crap crap crap crap crap crap (: IN IA OW (: GC TMR hehehehhehehehe. diary of a wimpy kid. woooohooo :D cant wait :D ♥ Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:45 PM
Had art today. ugh. i swear i was pmsing or smth. lol x.x my rose like chao da like that. haaha, &&& frog embryos are disgusting. go search them up ;x sigh. so now art topic change le. CIRCLE OF LIFE. yay. but so many ppl doing also ): i hope tomorrow will be better ......... oh yeah. at least the ice cream was good :D baby, im sorry. am i really that cold to you in class? ): ♥ Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:11 PM
happy birthdayyyy :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SILING, SARAH & SYLVIA !! :D ! it was fun i guess (: i hope SSS had fun. haha ! more pics on facebook!!! yay. Hmmmm, ok lets rewind back to earlier that day (: i went to service first with noelle they all before the party (: & we drank starbucks yay! i love the iced lemon tea :D then taxi-ed down to labrador park for the party with jy, mb. dropped noelleeeee off at the bus stop. then came the party :D i kept walking around the park. ahha like 85% of the time i was there i was walking. hahaha WALKED all the way to vivo from labrador park x.x thanks to that asssss matthew. but ohwell. like rebecca said, " look on the bright side, at least we lost weight (: " haha. but now im gorging myself with food again ;x OH SHITTTYY MY HOMEWORK. ahhhh ok ok gtg bye bye (: " We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find. " ♥ Sunday, March 21, 2010 6:22 PM
left early from training today and went to ccab for some sports thingy annqi invited me to. then went to vivo! with anqi and <3 hehehee ;P we ate dinner then we went to YIGLOO for desert. thanks for the treat again :D thanks for trying to cheer me up (: i really really really really miss you now do you know. and about telling the whole world ... i think most of them alr know ;x we'll find out tmr haha. Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. ♥ Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:00 AM
pei someone someone just now go vivo (: im surprised my dad let ._. just now ask him let me go tiong there dun allow :l sian. at least " downstairs " he allow (: saw some forest fire thingy? lol. ahh. oh, did another quiz (: YAY! Do you like Monster energy drinks ? whats that? If so whats your favourite kind ? i dun even know whats that. Ever had a near death experience? hmm i dunno i forgot What is the last thing you thought about? friends Do you regret anything? no. If you found out you were pregnant who would you tell? i wont de. lol What are you going to do this weekend? idk .. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? this morning Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy? idk. Who would you like your next “fling” to be with? whats a fling? ._. Would you curse in front of your parents? no ...... maybe silently What kind of camera do you have? lousy old one. Do you like slushies ? whats a slushie? Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? i guess When was the last time you held someone’s hand? uhhh just now Who can you tell everything to? yingying (: Can you play guitar hero? no ;x is any part of your body sore? nope. missing someone right now? i guess is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be? nope. Are you a sensitive person ? yeahs Do you have a cell phone? yeah? Is it old ? NO! its very new :D Where’s your cell phone? beside me .. What colour is it ? black Do you like your phone? not really. Do you like stickers ? yeah (: What kind ? shiny one :D Do you say “ouch” lots ? i think so Do you have to use a calculator for math questions ? sadly yes -.- Have any of your best friends ever back stabbed you? hmm yeah. If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick? YING :D What’s the seventh text message in your inbox say? hmmm, wan hav a guess? When is your next road trip? idk? What did you do the weekend? out the whole day (: Met anyone new in the past week? dunno Do you use short forms on msn ? yeahs, but seldom Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? noelle junyao terence yongsheng Are you currently fighting with someone? nope. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? not long ago. Who/What would you like to see right now? dunno Are you mad at someone right now? nope What’s the nicest text in your inbox say? secret (: shhh. Do you mainly use your house phone or your cell phone? cellphone Is there an empty place in your heart? i dont know. Do you count down the days till anything? yeah Are you listening to music ? just now, not anymore Have you ever been called a tease? huh?? What are your chances of getting with your crush? umm. What is the farthest you’ve traveled with a friend? dunno Are any of your friends so close that you consider them family? hmmm almost there. Anyone told you a secret this week? yups. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? depends. Do you hate anyone? not really. Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing? uh? What do you want in your life right now? not sure. When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry? this morning ahahha Did you tell someone something today? yeah. Do you trust people easily? i guess Are you a dare devil ? nope Do you go to the movie theaters lots ? uh huh (: Do you think notes are a time killer ? YUP :D This survey is over are you happy ? not really ): ♥ Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:40 PM
My Will, inuyasha
just like me aye, looks like i've got good skills. Bugis yesterday with noelle terence yongsheng (: saw yingshun haema marian and some others there also. dont really know them well so i went to walk around bugis junction with terence and noelle. saw alethea?! wooow. lol and now after i saw him, i must admit that ADAM LAMBERT is hot (: really really. and quiet about the macdonald's table x) went to vivo afterwards to meet jy. the 5 of us went to watch " Being Human " second time watching :D i still find it funny lol esp the NG part. wth can haha still can continue filming like that. ahhaha. i salute you. & thanks for sending me home again (: next time dunnid le lah, very far away from your house ;x Oh yeah, found tons and tons of quizzes. yay! :D i'll take my time to do it (: note: this is actually for facebook so ... yeah. ( friends list and stuff ) LASTS: 1. Last beverage → Pepsi Twist ._. 2. Last phone call → Aunty? 3. Last text message → Terence 4. Last song you listened to → Love you - howl 5. Last time you cried → Last night HAVE YOU EVER: 1. Dated someone twice → No 2. Been cheated on? → Idk .. 3. Kissed someone & regretted it? → No 4. Lost someone special? → hmmm ... i dont think so 5. Been depressed? → I guess? 6. Been drunk and threw up? → Nope LIST FOUR FAVORITE COLORS: 1. Blue 2. White 3. Pink 4. Orange HAVE YOU: 1. Made new friends → Yeahs 2. Fallen out of love → ?? 3. Laughed until you cried → YES HAHA 4. Met someone who changed you → mm hmm 5. Found out who your true friends were → Yes. 6. Found out someone was talking about you → Yupp 7. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list? → Nope 8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → Uhh most of them? 9. How many kids do you want to have → huh uhh idk. 10. Do you have any pets → used to 11. Do you want to change your name→ nope (: 12. What did you do for your last birthday → Hmmm ... i forgot ._. 13. What time did you wake up today → about 9 i guess 14. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping? 15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Ummm .. idk 16. Last time you saw your father → This morning 17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Nothing. 18. What are you listening to right now → Candles - Hey Monday 19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → no .. 23. What’s getting on your nerves right now? → my mum talking effing loudly. 24. Most visited web page → GOOGLE! lol WHAT: 1. What’s your name → FANGLING :D 2. Nicknames → uhh loads loads lol 3. Relationship Status → <3 4. Zodiac sign → imma pig! 5. Male or female → female! & i did not walk into the wrong toilet ok. 6. Elementary school → Radin mas :D 7. High School → Queensway i guess? 8. Height → 170cm :D teehee. 10. Hair color → Uhh dark brown? 11. good at → idk .. 16. bad at → lotsa stuff 17. What do you like about yourself? → practically nothing 18: What don’t you like about yourself? → almost everything 19. Piercings → ear? 20. Tattoos → none. 21. Righty or lefty → righty :D FIRSTS : 22. First fight → forgot 23. First embarrassment → long time ago 24. First best friend → hmmmmmm my teddy. 26. First kiss → - 27. First pet → fish? lol 28. First vacation → forgot 29. First crush → primary school 30. First boyfriend → ;P 49. Eating → NOUGAT (: 50. Drinking → nothing 52. I’m about to → watch anime 53. Listening to → Itazurana Kiss - day after tomorrow 55. Waiting for → nothing ?? YOUR FUTURE : 58. Want kids? → idk ._. wait u asked this twice alr. 59. Want to get married? → dunno .. 60. Careers in mind? → havent thought about it YOUR PERFECT MATE 68. Lips or eyes → eyes 69. Hugs or kisses → hugs 70. Shorter or taller → taller 71. Older or Younger → older 72. Passive or agressive → passive? huh i dun get this 73. Personality or looks → personality 74. Quiet or loud → both? ahaha 75. Hook-up or relationship → ?? 77. Trouble maker or hesitant → er both bah HAVE YOU EVER : 78. Kissed a stranger → no 79. Drank hard liquor → hmm no 80. Lost glasses/contacts → nope 81. Told a big lie…or joke → i think 82. Broken someone’s heart → idk .. 83. Had your own heart broken → yeah 85. Been arrested → nope 86. Turned someone down → yeahs 87. Cried when someone died → uh huh 88. Liked a friend that is a boy? → YES -.- DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 89. Yourself → maybe 90. Miracles → yes 92. Hell → not sure 93. Santa Clause → :D 95. Kiss on the first date? → no 96. Angels → dunno hope so. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yeah 98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → no 100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → uh for facebook de. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write what comes first to your mind: cupcakes- very soft, icing covered cupcakes rainbows- sparkles? school- homework x.x facebook- quizzes! twitter- a blue bird? unicorns- a white pony with a horn? lol ten random objects near you: 1. PSP 2. Stickys jar 3. Fan 4. Hand sanitizer 5. Bed 6. Handphone 7. Flower pillow 8. Waffle sticks? 9. Diaries/notebooks 10. Comb coke or pepsi? pepsi vanilla or chocolate? chocolate muffin or cupcake? cupcake green or pink? pink blackberry or iphone? iphone mac or pc? huh uh mac facebook or twitter? twitter hollister or abercrombie? HUH ??? answer these: what did you eat for dinner, lunch and breakfast? uhh i only ate breakfast so far. porridge? what kind of cell phone do you have? SUPER HIGH TECH SLIDING PHONE. what are you wearing on your feet? nothing? uh a friendship bracelet around my leg. what clothes are you wearing? Pink shirt black fbts are you wearing makeup? no -.- do you like mcdonalds? depends how do you spell your name backwards? gnilgnaf how do you spell your last name backwards? whats my last name ._. do you have a brother or a sister? both what is your fave icecream flavor? Hmmmm depends on my mood (: ok i lazy do le. shit lah tuesday got some photography thing. i still havent buy camera. AH. monday got training. meaning tomorrow. AH. so much homework. AH. shit im feeling the stress only now when i think about it. AHH. this is a loooong post. YAY (: ♥ 3:53 PM
2 hands, 1 leg, 1 iphone.
Outing with GC today! but minus Heyao D: cause of her tuition lah, sigh ): went to VIVO! and we walked everywhere. first up was YIGLOO :D haha "PLEASE DO NOT OVERLOAD, SAVE THE EARTH" dont so kiasu put so many toppings lah! aiyoh. tsktsktsk. then we watched DEAR JOHN (: damnn it was nice. cried and laughed. hahaha stupid jesslyn and shire lah. dunno laugh at what thing. oh OH there's this part of the movie i cannot stop laughing rofl. though it was supposed to be a sad part, i was laughing. BUT IM NOT A SADIST. didnt really get the ending but ohhwell. its a nice movie (: recommended!!! ♥ Friday, March 12, 2010 9:56 PM
Hmm ok first thing's first. mm, its kind of a habit talking to him at night alr. so im sorry ... but im not the only person he talks to at night .. so ... yeah ;x &&&&& i know im tall :D :D + i didnt know where i got the courage from x.x haha x) teehee. hmm today training. still ok lahs, then went mac afterwards .. talked and talked. then went home. thanks for sending me homeeee (: tomorrow outing with GC! ahah :D yay looking forward to it! :D ♥ Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:55 PM
sleeepy sleeeeeeeeeeepy sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy ):
Damn, POA and E Maths homework still havent do x.x ahhhh must do POA MUST MUST MUST. ok i MUST (: Sigh. Today uh, chinese we keep talking and walking around the corridors. Then the rest of the lessons passed pretty fast. even POA, for once (: Went to mac with ying rebecca then met yongsheng terence matthew. ate and ate crapped and crapped a lot. realised we were late for photography so we ...... took a taxi! ahhhh. Took loads of pics using fionachu's camera. ( THANKS FC :D ) then bought sticky! ( some super yummy candy ) T YS M were there also lol. wow. Afterwards we went to vivo. i at the MRT there walk walk talk talk to ying. suddenly idk why i just bang into the stone thingy, knock my shin there. oww D: now damn pain can if i try to sit down or climb up stairs D: sighhhh, ying had to go home early :l then i stayed. asshole matthew keep hitting me. GRR. you you you you you watch out! talked and talked and talked then went home. maggiee mee for dinner!! siaaaan. lotsa stuff to eat now but dont feel like eating -.- nothing to eat i wanna eat. lots of stuff to eat i dont wanna eat. seriously whats wrong with me :l sigh. sigh OMG i needa needa neeeeeeeda do poa!! NOW! ♥ Tuesday, March 9, 2010 10:00 PM |
Mafia Boss ![]() Hello. I am behind you. Yes behind you. Turn around! Saw me? :) Imma crazy alien, who happens to have a sweet tooth. i love abnormal creatures named noelle and yingying HIBARI KYOYA yupp, face it. he's smexii to the max. i love long biographyyyys. Humans have no right to comment or give shit about my preferences and loved ones :D Love me and i'll love you back; "Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop." Scream Love, |
Whispers taunting all the things you've said. |